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Landscape as Interior

Teaching period: May 21 - 25, 2023

Location: Nida Art Colony (VDA), Lithuania


Andrius Zakarauskas, Jovita Aukštikalnytė-Varkulevičienė, Petras Lincevičius


Number of available places for KUNO students: 8

Level: BA and MA

Course description: This is an open call for 8 students interested in painting as a way of thinking about a specific place and its multi-layeredness. During the workshop, a team of teachers and students will research the theme “Landscape as interior” in Nida - a resort town in Lithuania, located on the Curonian Spit between the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea.

“Landscape as interior" is a visual project that invites you to think through the images you create and is open to interpretations both in the classical form of painting and by rejecting the usual "rectangle" form of an artwork. During this project, students will use a different visual language to explore Nida as a multi-layered narrative that changes through the interaction of urban and natural spaces. During this project, not only painting will take place in specific places, but also painting at different times of the day. Night painting will be carried out under non-natural light sources.

The purpose of these activities is to explore the landscape of Nida as an interaction of natural, social, cultural, and technological tensions in search of the relationship between closed and open spaces. Discussions and presentations of creative works will be organized during these practical sessions. During them, the participants will present their artistic research analyzing the sensitive nature-human relations.

Discussions on the topic of ecology will help students understand the multi-meaning of the area, interpret the project theme in various forms and experience a variety of creative solutions. All project participants (students together with participating teachers) will create paintings, drawings, and mixed media works using the authentic landscape as a source of creative expression and will present them at a public exhibition in the spaces of the Nida Art Colony.

Application deadline: 5th of May, 2023

How to apply: Fill the application form: In case of any questions please contact 

Additional information:

More information on the course

The workshop will take place at the Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, E. A. Jonušo St. 3, Neringa LT-93127, Lithuania. 

Accommodation prices: a room with shared bathroom costs 16€ / person / night or a room with private bathroom 24€ / person / night. Rooms are shared by 2-4 students. Shared and self-funded cooking in the group will be planned for specific days as part of the study process. 

Financial Support by KUNO:
Travel support between countries: 330 € (except 660 € to/from Iceland)
Subsistence: 250 € -1st week (5-7 days)

In case of any questions please contact 

Earlier Event: March 27
Live performance and how to do it
Later Event: May 23
Sturdy Textiles