KUNO has decided to support PhD students in the network to attend PhD Seminars at another member institution in the network. The PhD Seminars must be announced in the form of an open call. The open call gives a deadline of application and states how many students will be accepted/receive a support in total.

Link to PhD Seminar Open Calls

Nordplus does not support mobility of PhD students and this is why KUNO supports this from the network’s own funds.

The annual budget is a total of 7900 EUR for PhD Seminars (for travel/board of participants).

The intention is to host 2-3 seminars during the year.

Each person gets: 330 EUR for travel and 90 EUR pr diem. (150 travel support if domestic travel)

If 1 working day and 1-2 traveling days, this makes a total of 510 - 600 EUR grant pr persons

-This gives the network a chance to support 4 persons pr seminar (if 3 seminars in total) or 6 persons pr seminar (if only 2 seminars during this academic year).